Art Contest

Art Contest

Open to Grades K-12
Divisions: K-3 // 4-6 // 7-8 // 9-12

A maximum of 8 entries total will be accepted per division from each school. 
Please work in coordination with your school site before submitting.


Create a piece of artwork that represents a dream; the dream can be yours or that of an impactful historical figure. It may be a past, present, or future dream that positively impacts and improves the lives of a group of people. Remember to include a title and 25-100 word description on the back of your submission. 


  • Submit a parent permission slip via Google Forms by November 15th at 11:59 pm. See page 6 of handbook.
  • Entries may be completed by individuals or groups (maximum of four people per group). 
    Student name(s) may NOT appear on the front of the artwork to preserve anonymity and equitable judging.
  • Artwork should be labeled on the back with:
    • Student name(s), school site, and grade level
    • A title for the artwork
    • A 25-100 word explanation of how the artwork is related to this year's theme 
      (printed and taped to or handwritten on the submission)
  • Artwork must be the original work of the student(s). It must not have been published previously in any form, including online.
  • Maximum submission size of 16" x 20". Art may be mounted on card stock or poster board. No frames, glass, etc. permitted.
  • Submissions will must be delivered in person to Vanessa or Ashley:
    • November 12th-15th, 2024 from 12:30-4:30PM
    • The Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
      1111 Van Ness Ave., Fresno, CA 93721
  • Submissions receiving "Superior" or "Excellent" ratings will be on display at 
    Clovis Veterans Memorial District January 6th-14th, 2025. 
  • The top three entries from each division will be recognized with awards on the evening of Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 at Clovis Veterans Memorial District.